Sunday, January 14, 2007


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When Jake goes live, so do we! Let's hope this goes better than the last time I tried this. I was three days into the job (was I ever so young?) and Jake was presenting at the ESPY's. Don't remember? Yeah, me either, and I wrote the damned thing. Apparently it was controversial, though. What I do remember is the endless discussions across the internet about how "inaccurate" my recap was. Dudes, embrace the novelty of the live posting! If I had a photographic memory on top of all my other stellar attributes, I wouldn't even be human.

So here's how this is going to work: After each sketch, this post will be updated with a quick summary. No instant replay, it's all as it happens and written during commercial breaks. I kind of envisioned half of Europe staying up all night to follow this with me, but since we didn't tell anyone I was going to do this, I'm guessing it'll just be a few West Coasters who don't care about spoilers. If that.

Annnnnd here we go! (Thanks to veeveevee for getting these on YouTube for us!!)

Opening Sketch: Unimportant because Jake's not in it. But I might as well write something while we're waiting for him. Heh. It's George W. three days after his address to America. Man, making fun of the President is always hilarious...but we're really starting off in top form here; 75 million troops to Iraq! Ha!

Opening Monologue: It's Jake! Suit, blue shirt...looking quite studly. And then...HE SINGS! IN A WIG! AND A DRESS! (Check out those arms.) And that boy can SING, baby! Gay cowboys sway in the gotta see it to believe it.

Watch it HERE.

Sketch 2:
Summary: Deep House Dish (a recurring skit with fictional musical guests of the European techno variety). Jake plays a guest, and there's more singing! Crazy dancing! Even crazier accent! And some unauthorized fondling of Amy Poehler.
Tongue action (y/n): I don't think so, although it definitely showed up in the monologue.
Socks visible (y/n): Alas, no.
On a scale of 1-10: 9 for the accent alone.

Watch it HERE.

Commercial break.

Sketch 3:
Summary: Bronx Beat (fictional talk show). Jake plays Frank O'Connor, the author of a book on mountain biking (heh), and the hosts can't get over how adorable he is.
Tongue action (y/n): I should pay more attention if I'm going to answer this every time.
Socks visible (y/n): Nope.
On a scale of 1-10: 8 for the excellent green jacket and the smiling.

Watch it HERE.

Sketch 4:
Summary: Donald Trump talks "The Apprentice" and rags on Rosie O'Donnell.
Tongue action (y/n): N/A
Socks visible (y/n): N/A
On a scale of 1-10: 0 for complete lack of Jake.

Commercial break.

Sketch 5:
Summary: Jake is on a date at a restaurant where the "food is cool." Jake's "cool meatballs" wear sunglasses, play music, and smoke. Jake doesn't know whether to eat them or "ask them to make a mix tape." Seriously, who comes up with this shit?
Tongue action (y/n): Dammit, I failed again.
Socks visible (y/n): Definitely no.
On a scale of 1-10: 10 for Jake actually cracking up and meatballs wearing shades.

Watch it HERE.

SNL Digital Short:
Summary: "Political take" on Laser Cats! Bill Hader and Andy Samberg are hilarious as usual, and Jake is the nefarious villain, Dr. Scientist. Complete with a really bad mustache (ha!) and dressed in aluminum foil. He's unfortunately killed with a Laser Cat.
Tongue action (y/n): No.
Socks visible (y/n): If so, they were foil.
On a scale of 1-10: 10 for Jake's "evil laugh."

Watch it HERE.

Sketch 6:
Summary: "Stock Footage Awards." Jake accepts award for "Obese People on a City Street." Look at his hair!
Tongue action (y/n): No.
Socks visible (y/n): No.
On a scale of 1-10: 7 for the awesome wig.

Watch it HERE.

Commercial break.

Musical Guest...The Shins! Nicely introduced, Jake. I didn't know there was a chick in the band! Man, I like lived off The Shins back in college. "Kissing the Lipless?" Anyone? No?

Commerical break.

Weekend Update
Usually my favorite portion of the evening, but tonight, I can't be bothered. 10 minutes without Jake? Whatever shall I do? Hey, wanna know a bit of Jake Watch trivia? The Bubble Boy Rap was originally the Brokeback Mountain Rap and I wrote half of my portion before we switched movies. A sample:

"But Ennis, he's a virigin, yeah he's drunk now sure,
Can't go up to sheep, can't get up off the floor,
Forty winks and a blanket he thinks'll do the trick,
But he's in the tent now, hand down on Jack's OH!

First night in the tent! First night in the tent!

Fo' shizzle.

It's a one shot thing, that's what they say the next day,
'Cause this thing going on, don't mean those mothafuckas's gay!
The second night, "it's alright," is what Jack say to Ennis,
'Fore he lay them both down and they get down to business.

Second night in the tent! Second night in the tent!"

And then fill in the part apart Aguirre kicking them off the mountain.

"He's got his mind on his money, money on his mind,
But Jack's a hell of a distraction when he shows his behind."

And that's as far as I got.

If the evening weren't going so well, I'd say something about how they should be using our raps, but really, Jake's on fire. He should host every week.

Commercial break. Oooh, looks like Jake'll be blonde this time around.

Sketch 7:
Summary: "Law and Order Master Class." Jake is the star student and does a seriously impressive run of "finding the body" scenes.
Tongue action (y/n): No.
Socks visible (y/n): No, but awesome shoes.
On a scale of 1-10: 9 for faux drinking and the "Law and Order" bum-bum.

Watch it HERE.

Commercial break.

Sketch 8:
Summary: Party, Jake and Maya Rudolph set up two people in wheelchairs.
Tongue action (y/n): No.
Socks visible (y/n): No.
On a scale of 1-10: 11 for "You need a witness for the wedding or something?" and "WHAT?" "NO!!" and "Dude, I didn't even know you were in a wheelchair!"

Watch it HERE.

Commercial break.

More Shin action!
Jake introduces them wearing a shirt saying "Ramona." Aw, Uncle Jake!

Sketch 9:
Summary: Lawyer ad. Jake has some ridiculous twitch.
Tongue action (y/n): No.
Socks visible (y/n): No.
On a scale of 1-10: 6 for being way too short.

Watch it HERE.

And it's over! Overall, Jake was one of the best hosts I've ever seen and I'm not just saying that because I'm horribly biased. Well done! Now, as you can imagine, I've been invited to the after party, so I gotta run...


Mr. M said...

If you're watching NBC now, they've already shown clips from the dress rehearsal during the commercial breaks. This is going to be a very interesting night.

Becky Heineke said...

Dammit, no, I wasn't watching. I'm just glad the game isn't going to run over. I see Memphis has handily been usual.

veeveevee said...

Hey PG, I'm in Central Time (MN) and I will be watching with you, and looking avidly for your recaps.

I will also trying to, as best as my non-technical mind can (if I can), record parts with my camera and uploading them to YouTube, so I'll keep you all posted with the results.

Looking forward to your recaps, which I know will be so much better than my oh-so-blurry attempts!

Aieeeeee! Only 40 more minutes! I can't wait!!!!

veeveevee said...

Oh yeah, and I reiterate PG's "DAMMIT!" I didn't know they were going to show clips from rehearsal.


Mr. M said...

People in fluffy outfits performing a song, Jake doing his monologue, guys in cowboy outfits clapping and Andy/Kenan dressed as ... women? Men? I haven't the foggiest idea what that was.

Lets wait and see!

Becky Heineke said...

Oooh! I'm in central time, too! I have absolutely no way of uploading the video, so you'll be doing the world a HUGE FAVOR! Maybe I can put your links up when you get them uploaded. :)

Becky Heineke said...

Ack! 30 minutes to go!

Sam said...

ooooo this is great. Its 2pm here and im definatly tuning in to your recaps PG! (and loving u for it!)

veeveevee said...

I just rewound and then fast-forwarded through my DVR on NBC for the last hour, and they did show one quick clip of rehearsal...looks like they are going to be going the Brokeback Mountain route at least once (saw two of the cast members in the audience dressed as cowboys.)

veeveevee said...

I will do my agent-best, PG! Whatever I can upload to YouTube, I will post the link here? Or should I use the forum or e-mail you or what?

(This is so exciting...I feel like an agent "on assignment!")

Ack! Only 23 minutes!!!!

Sam said...

how long does the show go for? On IHJ it sait was was from like 8.30 to 11ish or something?

Mr. M said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mr. M said...

The show runs for ninety minutes - or as I like to say "The best ninety-minutes of my life ever!"

Okay, maybe not the "best" how about the second best? I'd like to think the best ninety minutes ever hasn't happened yet.

(Oh my God, did I just type that?)

Sam said...

veeveevee you are an agent on assignment!!! Im just an agent REALLY REALLY glad that the other agents are doing such a wonderful job!!

Becky Heineke said...

veeveevee, you can just go ahead and post them here if you want. That way people can get to them even before I get around to putting them in the main post. And SNL is an hour and half, although Jake won't be in the opening sketch or the Weekend Update (a Daily Show-like news recap of the week) and the Shins will have two musical spots. So he'll probably be in a little less than an hour of it.

veeveevee said...

s4m985...I'm agent who is a bundle of nerves!!!

I'm so excited about this, and so nervous that my technological skills won't be up to par (and also that the writers at SNL are going to be idiots about certain stuff.)

I'm giddy like a schoolgirl! (to echo girl friday...did I just type that??) ;)

Anonymous said...

Please say someone is going to be recording this so we can download it somewhere!!

Sam said...

Veeveevee Imagine how Jake feels, im packing it for him as well and im sitting in my cosy office (its HOT!) on the other side of the world! You'll do great, Im sure your technological skills will pull through!

veeveevee said...

s4m985...lucky you in your hot office. We're having a quick cold snap here, and the temperature is 13 degrees! (Yes, you read that correctly!)

Mr. M said...

Oh my f-ing God, Jake in drag performing Dream Girls!


Sam said...

WHAT?!?! !!!!

veeveevee said...

He's singing...I LOVE this man...he is amazing!

Ooooh, and the buff arms are doing something to me (even in a dress!)

(And that boy has a VOICE!)

Anonymous said...

Jake as a dream girl? Wig and dress? This fucking rocks already!

veeveevee said...

OMG, he's singing again, blond wig and fuzzy white jacket!

I LOVE him!

veeveevee said...

"Thanks, it's pohlar bear!"


Sam said...

Jake singing is like a dream come true! (not sure about the drag but..)

The Chemistry Guru said...

God, I stayed up for better be good!
But jake in drag???

Howz his singing?

The Chemistry Guru said...

blonde wigggg????

veeveevee said...

He really has a good voice! I suspected as much given that he auditioned and was in the top three for Moulin Rouge.

I am uploading the monologue to YouTube right now, but it's a huge file, so it is going to take 5-10 minutes. I will let you know when that is done, then I will record and upload the white jacket/polar bear singing bit.

So far, he is brilliant!

veeveevee said...

Holy Crap... the monologue is still uploading and is only 12% done. This is going to take a while.

Therefore...THANK YOU PG!!!! for your quick recaps. It's going to take a while from my end!

(He is beautiful, btw, for those of you who can't see him!)

Sam said...

Aw thankyou!!!! you really are a legend!

veeveevee said...

Oh yeah, and PG - thank you for the tongue and sock watch - I'm too flustered to catch that stuff! :D

Sam said...

Im confused, where is PG.s recaps?!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, those arms, those arms.

And the sense of humor.

This is especially amusing in light of the upcoming Golden Globes, where Jennifer Hudson will surely be seated up front, getting an award for that performance.

Will she & Jake have a laugh together over his performance?

Anonymous said...

I am disappointed!
Jake how could you?

veeveevee said...

Okay...the monologue is not yet 50% uploaded yet. I apologize to all agents out there...this is going to take some time. (I'm thinking this agent is going to up up until 5am!)

s4m985, if you refresh the main JakeWatch page, you'll see PG's update.

And yes, nice anon - during the monologue, I think the thing that stood out the most to me - his arms! Wow...when did Jake get so buff?

Sam said...

oh dah, i didnt refresh. Thanks! Dont worry about the uploading taking ages. Its better than nothing.

Anonymous said...

That glimpse of Jake in a tuxedo also has whetted my appetite for Monday night.

What did they do to his hair, though?

Anonymous said...

So far, I give it a frickin' 12 on a scale of 10!

Way up to Jake's (and ours for him!) standards.

Awesome! He looks wonderful, relaxed and like he's having a good time. Not tense or nervous AT ALL.

Mr. M said...

The Shins are putting me to sleep.

Maybe it's because I'm rapidly approaching 28 but damn, I'm old.

veeveevee said...

nice anon said:

What did they do to his hair, though?

Actually, I've been meaning to start a thread over at the forum about how much his hair is a part of his character...I was just going through the "Here's chit chat, please!" thread and realized how much his gorgeous head of hair has played in his roles. After he wins the Oscar, his hair should, too!

FYI - I'm in an ARGHHHH state of mind...the monologue is still only at 90% uploaded. I will let all agents know as soon as it is done, and then will begin working on skit #1.

Thank goodness PG is on the job in the meantime!!!

Anonymous said...

No fears. Jake singing "I Am Telling You" is going to be all over the place by tomorrow.

veeveevee said...

^^nice anon - I hope you are right about it being everywhere...YouTube has "accepted" my video upload, but they are still "processing" it. I hope they will approve it soon (I just watched him sing it again, and I am amazed at what a great voice he has!)

Damn that YouTube, damn them!!!

Anonymous said...

We have hit the trifecta tonight:

Evening wear: Jake in low-cut sequinned gown

Formal wear: Jake in tuxedo, accepting an award

Casual wear: Jake in tightly fitted t-shirt & jeans.

Anonymous said...

PG is right, Jake IS on fire.

Exceeding all my expectations.

NOT disappointed with anything... skits are funny, Jake is awesome. Watching him live is an unbelievably pleasant experience!

Anonymous said...

Is there any way that you could email me those clips, veeveevee? Through an unfortunate series of circumstances, I was unable to watch SNL tonight and I really want to see Jake.

Sam said...

ohh ncwoman dont rub it in! haha Im finding it very fullfilling that for once in my whole life i know exactly what jake is doing RIGHT now. Lol

Sounds like everyones nerves are gone and hes doing a good job. Im glad thats so far seems to have been a success. But really if Jake stood there and didnt say a thing, we'd all be happy! ha

Sam said...

Oh oh its up! Thanks veeveevee loading it now!

Anonymous said...

I know I'm going to hell for this but that wheelchair sketch was funny....WHAT!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO! lol!

veeveevee said...

If anyone is seeing anything, let me know...YouTube is saying that it is still "processing" it.

You can go to and search "veeajera" - for me the only thing showing up right now is the promo I loaded yesterday, but as soon as they approve anything, it should show that way. I am uploading the first "Deep Dish House" sketch right now.

(I wish this was going faster...)

Anonymous said...


I hope the picture they used of him as they were going to break will appear somewhere. It was a "colorized" pic and his eyes were AMAZING!!!

Mr. M said...


He wore a shirt that said RAMONA!

veeveevee said...


It just arrived!

Jake's monologue can be found here:

Anonymous said...

Everyone catch the "Ramona" shirt he had on?

Anonymous said...

Awww did you see that his tshirt said RAMONA! What an awesome uncle!

Anonymous said...

His t-shirt said Ramona....awww!!!!

The Chemistry Guru said...

thank you so much vee!
God, I'm laughing so hard. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Our stupid local NBC station ran over on commercials and I missed him wearing that t shirt!!

Dammit! Guess I'll have to catch it on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

K....Didn't understand the eye thing he was doing in that lawyer sketch...

Sam said...

oh thanks just saw it on youtube. Hes amazing............... ahhh

A ramona shirt. Hes just EVERYTHING isnt he?!

Anonymous said...

And that's a's over... :((

He thanked everyone at the end and said "This experience has been...totally unbelievable. You should try it."

God I'm glad I got this on tape!!!

Mr. M said...

That's all folks!

The opening was great.

I loved the Meatball skit rocked because that was my sense of humor.

The Law and Order skit also was fairly good because for a long time I was OBSESSED with that show.

The rest sucked - as I would expect SNL to suck because it hasn't not sucked for a long, long, time.

Jake was great, he was fantastic ... but as my old friend use to say, "Just because you put syrup on sh*t don't mean it's gonna' taste like pancakes."

Yes, that person is a janitor now.

Goodnight folks!

veeveevee said...

I know it's over, but agent veeveevee is on the job...I am working on uploading things one skit at a time, so keep a look out. I might not get to all of them tonight, but all will be up by tomorrow!!!

Sam said...

wow that went quick! Thanks so much for your updates and getting those vids on youtube!

Anonymous said...

Veeveevee, you are AWESOME, girlfriend. I'm sure our friends across the pond really appreciate your sharing tonight.

Anonymous said...

Veeveevee, thank you SO MUCH for getting that! I just watched it again, to reassure myself: Yes, you are not crazy, Nice Anonymous, Jake really DID put on a wig & a sequinned gown & sang "I Am Telling You."

Dumbo said...

I wasn't a big fan of tonight. Jake of course looked great, and the Ramona shirt was cute. But I really didn't laugh that much. I was hoping for something more like Justin Timberlake's recent showing.

Obviously not Jake's fault, as the writers can take most of the blame. They should have just done a brokeback skit, which could have been hilarious.

Anonymous said...

LOVED the "Ramona" t-shirt! That may have been the highlight of the show for me.
And, damn..... that boy can really sing! And those arms, Holy Mother of God..... who noticed the dress?

Seems like he really had fun tonight, and that makes me so happy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the show definitely leaves something to be desired. (Or maybe I've gotten too old to enjoy it -- or maybe it was better, years ago. I'd be embarrassed to tell you what year it was when I first watched it ;-) But Jake again showed himself to be a gifted comedian & proved that he handles himself really well before a live audience (which we already knew).

I hope he does it again or does other stuff like this. I just want to see the guy more often.

Anonymous said...

HE's a god!

He went beyond my expectations!!

That opener was the best in YEARS!!!

Loved that Ramona t-shirt!

veeveevee said...

Sketch #1:

Anonymous said...

I loved the opening, who knew he could sing!! The meatball sketch was cute and I thought the Stock footage awards was funny but the rest of the show, meh. Loved the Ramona T-shirt, what a sweetie!

Anonymous said...

UltraViolet here - just wanted to say that I appreciate this live blog! There's so much negativity and nit-picking in other places. I think Jake was a great host, and the show was really good, especially by recent SNL standards. So way to go, PG!

Anonymous said...

Great ratings, PG! I'm so glad you appreciated the politically INcorrect humor - because I thought your 11 out of 10 for the wheelchair skit was spot on! I snorted and guffawed a few times during that one.

Loved all your thoughts and reviews.

Loved Jake. Thought he was wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I've just saw the monologue. Is that really Jake's voice? Come on, really?
Damn, I'm on my out the door for a late night get together & can't watch, but I'll be watching a lot of Youtube tomorrow!

Becky Heineke said...

That was spam, lest anyone wonder about that deleted comment. I thought he was great! Like seriously, great. I laughed through most of the show. And veeveevee, you are AWESOME. I'm off to bed, so I'll add any other vids you put up tomorrow. :)

Anonymous said...

Read your comments elsewhere, UV and they were MUCH appreciated.
That was one of the funniest opening sequences I've seen on SNL. Period! And I have been watching SNL off and on for 20 years!It was in the spirit of the SNL that used to be hilarious, lampooning everything and everyone, including highly touted so-called Oscar front-runners. No. the show isn't nearly as funny as it used to be. I think a combination of things. They had some really good, established people leave like Will Farrell and Jimmy Fallon, Kris Kattan. And it takes time for a new ensemble to "gell." But the writing has lost it's focus or its purpose, too. And they really don't seem to know how to use their guests anymore.That's just my general impression of the show. But Jake? Jake was darling! He was fine. He made that opening his own and he looked amazing and in two days He'll be all tuxed up and doing the Golden Globes. Gosh! I feel like I'm at a slumber party!

cina said...

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!! *picks up chin from the floor*

That opening scene knocked me out. THAT MAN CAN SING!!! I've always wanted to hear him sing and this was far beyond my expectations. Jake, you floored me!! I can die now, seriously.

Now I'm going to hunt the internet for the entire show. Thanks veeveevee for your excellent agent work! MUCH appreciated!! :D

Sam said...

let us know if u find it cina!

veeveevee said...

Sketch #2:

Anonymous said...

In interviews, Jake always says he can sing, and even tho this was a comic parody, he still had it down!!! I was so damned distracted by those arms! And sorry, PG. I would have given his Law & Order acting class a higher rating. Those jeans, that t-shirt, that body. I thought he was just great.

cina said...

Downloadable versions of the skits are coming up in the IHJ forum right now!!

Sam said...

aw hes so sweet and innocent in that second sketch! Theres not many man who can pull of a part in their hair, but jakey does it wonderfully! (and still hot as!)

Anonymous said...

vids are up at IHJ :-D

veeveevee said...

Oooh, man, those IHJ people have it all over me! I'm going to keep uploading what I have, but it appears they have geniuses over there, and are waaaay ahead of me! Check out the great videos there! Thx for the info, Cina!

veeveevee said...

Sketch #3:

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched the whole thing yet but what I've seen so far is fucking HILARIOUS!!! He has such a natural comedic talent!

Um, excuse me while I pass out from the ARMS. Good GAWD.

veeveevee said...

Yes, Miffed67...THE ARMS!!!!

I still can't get over them...

veeveevee said...

Sketch #4:

veeveevee said...

Sketch #5:

veeveevee said...

Sketch #6:

veeveevee said...

Sketch #7:

veeveevee said...

Sketch #8:

britpopbaby said...

Thank you SO much veeveevee for those videos! We OWE you.

I'll have to collect myself before commenting further on the actual show...

veeveevee said...

Ack, it's 3:35am, so I am done. Here are the two intros to The Shins, as well as the closing:

Hope you have been able to see these, and whatever I've missed, I know they've got up at IHJ!

Agent veeveevee out.

veeveevee said...

One last thing...other than his voice (and bringing out that amazing physique!), I think my favorite thing was that he wore that t-shirt that said "Ramona" when he introduced The Shins for the second time.

What an awesome uncle he must be!

Anonymous said...

veeveevee, thank you, thank you, thank you for the clips.

Now, that was something. Loved the opening. Nice singing voice, Jake. And his arms, oh yeah, baby....

I have no words...

Anonymous said...

ACK!!!!! How esxciting, I came hear first for the SNL update and I am so happy that it went well for Jake. Off to watch some clips now.....thanks PG and veevee!!!!!! Excellent recap PG and thanks for all the uploading veevee.

Anonymous said...

veeveevee, you are the most spendid wonderful angel!!!!!! Truly!!!! And Jake. And Jake. As David Hyde Pierce said to Jack Nicholson in "Wolf": You're my god!

khildeb said...

I haven't read this yet, but all I can say is: what a freakin' waste of talent. The writers should all be fired.

Anonymous said...

oh,veeveevee,I love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks soooooooooooooooooooo much.

Sam said...

Ok, i got home this avo at 2pm. started talking about jake, thinking about jake, writing about jake. Ive had a 2 hour break where i went to the movies and its now 10pm... All day ive been doing Jake (doing jake haha i wish!) I better have some good dreams tonight!

and yeh after watching veeveevee's youtube vids, im absoultly totally impressed with Jake, like never before, but the stuff he had to work with wasnt really THAT funny. His acting and wonderful facial expressions was what was making me laugh!! I guess too i dont know the show so i dont get some of the jokes. Dont get me wrong tho, he did a great job and i will be downloading all those vids from IHJ so i can watch them over and over again as soon as its working! He is amazing... he truly is one of a kind. There are no words to really describe how great he is!

khildeb said...

Agent veeveevee, you should get a promotion! (do they have promotions at JW??) All your hard work and dedication to the Agency and your fellow Gyllenhaalics, VERY commendable!! And PG, of course, but you do this kind of stellar work all the time!

Thanks to both of you, Jake bless you! mwah!

britpopbaby said...

I thought parts were very funny. We should just be thankful we got to see Jake live and uncut. He could have sat on a chair and read the paper and we'd have been just as excited.

Aah, the joys of being a fanperson!

Anonymous said...

the full version of the Bronx beat and Laser Cats skits are up on the NBC SNL web-page....they are funnier in the context of the full sketches.

I think that Jake did a great job with the material he was given. I would guess that he had the more input into the opening than any other part of the show and I think that was the highlight - though I did really enjoy Dr Scientist, the book review and the wheel-chair skits.

And that boy can really sell a song!!

Agnes said...

Veeveevee, you are AWESOME thank you SO MUCH for getting us this!!!!!!

*Big HUG*

And for Jake's opening scene!! Funny... :D

Jess said...

Ohmifuckinggod, I'm so excited I seriously might pass out!!! Just logged on to find this recap, and CLIPS!! GAAAH!

PG and veeveevee, THANK YOU!!! You're brilliant!!


Anonymous said...

I always knew Jake could sing well (he was great in Bubble Boy, auditioned for Moulin Rouge, sang in a band in college etc.) but DAMN ME he's GOOD! And OMG the drag!

He's clearly been in training for Rendition, methinks, cos those arms were so buff!

Anonymous said...

That was really great - Jake in Drag is the sexiest thing ever...and him singing
I am not familiar with SNL but I think that some of the skits were really funny.

"He's clearly been in training for Rendition, methinks, cos those arms were so buff!"

I agree and since I don´t believe that he has love scenes in that movie, I am hoping for a long shower scene....perhaps we should create a petition for Mr. Hood...

Linna said...

PG - you're my hero!! I LOVE YOU!!

If I didn't have to go to work, I'd thrive on all this goodness right now... Well, well, but again - you're awesome!! ;) And that goes for you too veeveevee!!

Agnes said...

I was so excited I forgot to thank you too PG. THANK YOU!!!! ;)

*Big HUG*

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much veeveevee and PG that was awesome.

Anonymous said...

Random thoughts: In that banner pic from SNL you're using for this thread, he reminds me of the old silent/talkie movie star, Tyrone Power who was a hottie!Also a young (Godfather) Al Pacino.
I don't know if it's playing on the West End, but Gawd I'd love to Jake as Billy Fylnn, the shyster lawyer in CHICAGO! I bet he can probably dance, too.

Anonymous said...

Logging in this morning, after some sleep, to confirm that it wasn't a dream last night ... no it wasn't ... yes, Jake really did channel Effie in "Dreamgirls."

Anonymous said...

OMG, Loved It!

I watched with my 14-year-old daughter who, while she has many celeb crushes of her own, doesn't get my infatuation with Jake but the minute he tore his jacket and shirt off in the opening, her eyes got wide and she says, "OMG, those ARMS!!"

Anonymous said...

I just wanna say. He is such a gift! He really is. I just love him to pieces. And yes. He's a very gifted, talented man. Shit.

Weirdland said...

Thanks a lot for the videos, Veeveevee, you have made my boring evening in a lustful luxurious velada!

Anonymous said...

thank you veeveevee! and PG, your recaps were soo good, way better than the real thing - not that it was difficult to be funnier than them.

the show was just pathetic, the kind of thing that made me laugh when i was 12. *SHRUG*

i'm very disappointed, bcz i expected so (probably too) much

and jake's arms and back in that dress, my god so nice! DROOL

Anonymous said...

I believe that opening monologue & song was a brilliant decision by Jake, as well as a really wonderful performance. It's impossible to watch this & not see that he's something very special.

I'm happy that he showed respect for "Brokeback Mountain" & its place in the culture & its fans, and what it means for his career & growth as an actor & a person.

He also got in that current cultural commentary that SNL's so good at historically (when it's good at it, it's really, really good). The timing is impeccable. I expect this clip will get replayed a lot during Awards season.

He reminds everyone how great he is at comedy & what a great sense of humor he has. He's been doing a string of pretty serious movies. It's good to see his versatility on display. I'm sitting here thinking he would have made a really good SNL or Monty Python troupe member.

He makes me wonder what his singing voice is like when he's putting a song across sincerely. (I've only heard him joking around, doing high-pitched BeeGees & female imitations.) Wouldn't you just love to tag along with Jake to a karaoke bar? He'd make a great frontman for a band, wouldn't he? He's got that theatrical, exhibitionistic instinct. Maybe he'll end up in a musical biopic. (Who would he play?)

All in all, as I think about it more & more, I am thrilled by that performance. Last night it was a delightful surprise & I hadn't collected all my thoughts about it. I really liked watching him the rest of the night. But that song clip's what's gonna be remembered & saved.

Nothing Really Matters said...

Dude that was so funny! Thanks for putting the post up! Oh i just can't stop laughing! I guess we can be friends now!

Anonymous said...

Yikes am I the only one who thought it was horrible? I cringed throughout the entire show. Many moons ago Saturday Night Live was good, but man it's really awful now.

Anonymous said...

As I recall, Saturday Night Live was always hit-or-miss. For me, that was part of its low-tech, improvisational charm. It showed they were working "without a net" & weren't overcome by slickness & overproduction. There wasn't anything quite like it on TV when it began. (That's changed, of course.) Over time, I forgot the dead spots & the failed jokes, & I remember the really brilliant skits & performances. The compilation videos & "best of" sort out the wheat from the chaff, so it looks consistently brilliant in retrospect. So I think, overall, it was an average episode, with something really memorable & brilliant at the start: Jake, being Jake, and it appears, enjoying the hell out of the experience.

The Chemistry Guru said...

He makes me wonder what his singing voice is like when he's putting a song across sincerely

I think he wouldn't sound much different...he sorta reminds me of Prince or a pre-scandal Michael Jackson, with a geniune falsetto I could easily picture him as a screaming (optional long haired) rocker

Anonymous said...

I tried to sort out Jake's real hair from the various wigs. Is it really a medium brown? I always thought it was darker.

cina said...

Yikes am I the only one who thought it was horrible? I cringed throughout the entire show. Many moons ago Saturday Night Live was good, but man it's really awful now.

I definitely didn't think it was horrible, but I can't say that I laughed hysterically, besides at the opening number and some bits here and there, like his accent in the MTV skit ("Let's make some noiiiissse!", "Sankyou, it's polar bear!" LOL), parts of the wheelchair skit, and parts of the Law and Order skit. (I also found the dancing meatballs rather hilarious... Christ, who comes UP with stuff like that?! LOL)
I think Jake did a great job with what he was given, but NOTHING beats his opening number. That one is a CLASSIC!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the transcript!! Jake did an amazing job hosting SNL. OMG can he sing even in a dress.

Jake you're so darn talented. I just love you so much.

I can't wait until the Golden Globes to see you again. Please come back to NYC as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

I need to add one more thing. I think this season of SNL is their of SNL lacks most of the funniest cast, but I think Jake was terrific.

Their funniest writer Tina Fay is gone and it shows. Jake made last night funny not the cast members.

Anonymous said...

You know you did something right when Perez Hilton writes "One of the best opening monologues in a really long time."

But on a serious note, Jakes opening video is all over the net and the most people are really excited and love it. Some people even think it will be one of SNL classics....

I just try to imagine that tomorrow night Jake has to present the "Golden Globe" for Best Supporting actress to Jennifer Hudson....

Anonymous said...

Caria said, "I just try to imagine that tomorrow night Jake has to present the "Golden Globe" for Best Supporting actress to Jennifer Hudson...."

Maybe they'll sing a duet. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thnk Poppa G will write a poem about Jake on SNL?

Anonymous said...

I could easily picture him as a screaming (optional long haired) rocker

not so screaming. remember Water Walking Jesus in BBM? he had a very low-pitched voice in it.. though it did sound a bit forced, so i guess smth in between - a nice manly voice with a bit of lovely growly scrachiness/ purring...

Jon said...

So does anyone know where to find that green/yellow track jacket Jake was wearing in the third sketch?

I thought the logo on the sleeve was Puma, but after looking at their website, it doesn't appear to be so...

Anonymous said...

I just saw Jake's "Dreamgirls" clip featured on Oscarwatch & Hollywood Elsewhere -- so the online Academy Awards prognosticator sites are picking it up also. It really is all over the Web.

I think Clooney will present the Supporting Actress Award to Jennifer Hudson at the Globes, if she wins, since Clooney won Supporting Actor last year.

Anonymous said...

Love the new banner.

Anonymous said...

oh wow the banner! it's AWESOME!

and PG, i reread your recap of the ESPY awards. it was very funny

Anonymous said...

Just tried to watch sketches... You won't believe: every 10 seconds of video took my Net 3 minuts to load. Yeah, bad connection.But I am so touched 'cause of your notes. they are really from loving agents. I almost saw it with my own eyes.
Anyway, MTV Russia will show this SNL during the year...or next.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Well I guess Jake will be getting teased a lot at the awards functions he attends!!! LOL!!! It's all good! That opening was pure genius. Only Jake could have pulled it off. Singing Effie's signature song in drag!!!! Wonder if Letterman, Leno, or Stewart will cover it? "And now our final best song nominee, as sung by Jake Gyllenhaal..." LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Are his back up singers The Jakettes??? The Gyllies?? Or the In Your Dreams, Girls???

Anonymous said...

"The Gyllenhaalics"

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much PG and veeveevee for the running commentary and the clips. We don't get SNL on this side of the world and you just made my night :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you PG. In Brazil we ´d see SNL only months after NBC.

Anyone doubts Jake´ll get Oscar one day?

I really believe this happens soon...

He´s wonderful!

cina said...

Or the In Your Dreams, Girls???


Anonymous said...

Jake did well as a host, but overall, the show depressed me...he did the best with what he had to work with, but the writing was crap...SNL ahs been sooo bad lately, the only decent episode in the past few months was when Justin Timberlake hosted...they simply didn't write skits that utilized Jake well...perhaps they could have put him in a fictional movie preview or combined all his movies into a skit? I don't know, but the only thing that could of saved the show would have been Jake shirtless for some unecessary reason, that would have at least given me some satisfaction. I just feel bad for Jake...even his loveliness couldn't save the skits from being unfunny...the only ones that I even smiled at were the Law and Order, Laser Cats, and Wheelchair skits along with his time just let Jake do whatever the hell he wants for an hour and a half, it'd be much better that way.

Anonymous said...

they removed all the videos!

thats not cool!

Anonymous said...

I can't blame them. It's NBC's intellectual property & putting them up on YouTube is a form of copyright infringement. That said, it's incredibly good advertising for "Saturday Night Live" (and for Jake, and maybe even in a backhanded way for "Dreamgirls"). I do not think the entertainment establishment knows what to do with YouTube. (There was a recent article about that very subject in the NY Times.) NBC ought to make Jake's monologue into a clip available on its site, like Timberlake's "Dick in a Box" skit. That would be a lot better pick than "Laser Cats." said...

Quite worthwhile piece of writing, thanks for the article.

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