Friday, May 19, 2006


...but I'm unashamedly juvenile.

"It could always be like this"
"No it could not"

Thanks for finding that, julia!


Anonymous said...

OMG! brit, can I tell you that me and a good friend of mine who I met at the DC quote lines from Bunny!Brokeback ALL OF THE TIME We collapse in fits of giggles. Went to visit her. Her kids were looking at us askance.

We particularly love "Not it could not!" and "You never even used that fishin' poll." It's the ugly pregnancy dress that Bunny!Alma is wearing that sends us over. Thank you so much!

britpopbaby said...

Maybe if they had put bunnies in the original it might have taken the Oscar. And Randy Quaid bunny looks exactly like Randy Quaid!
I'm going to go watch the others they have...Bunny Titanic!

Miffed67 said...

LMAO! This was linked in the BBM Yahoo Group I belong to, also....hilarious! I love that, "No it could not!"

Anonymous said...

Juvenile? It's genius!

Squealing "WOOO-WHEE!", JackBunny-style, feels really appropriate whenever I'm pissed and feeling pleased about something.

Back in March one of my friends who hadn't yet seen Brokeback watched the Bunnies on my computer and then got all upset because the story had been spoiled for her. I was like, "Which part of 'Brokeback Mountain in 30 seconds re-inacted by bunnies' did you not understand??!"!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the bunnies! This thing made me laugh my ass off. The "no it could not" is f'n hysterical. :)

Anonymous said...

I laughed so much I may have peed a little.

Anonymous said...

Thanks dynah for pointing them out! They're so expressive by the camp fire.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe if they had put bunnies in the original it might have taken the Oscar."

No, the Hollywood old guard would have become squeamish at the very thought of bunnies and would still have refused to watch it, leading to its almost certain defeat.

- said...

It's one of the funnier parodies out there. I absolutely love when the bunnies reenact the "I'm not queer, me neither" part and mere seconds later they cut right to the action. Hilarious.

I've recently seen a Saved by the Bell parody that I thought was pretty funny. It's on IMDb.

britpopbaby said...

How does everyone know about the bunnies and I'm just getting wind of it now?!

mikster said...

lol...good stuff...and now I don't have to see the movie.

britpopbaby said...

I think I've just decided my favourite part is when Ennis Del Mar Bunny is punching the wall down the side street.

Anonymous said...

If you love Brokeback Mountain/Jarhead you must watch this video JACKS IN ARMY.

It's so funny !....

Anonymous said...

If you love Brokeback Mountain/Jarhead you must watch this video JACKS IN ARMY.

It's so funny !....

britpopbaby said...

^That was sad! All the depressing bits from both films in one :(

Anonymous said...

AH HA!! AHAHA!!! That is MY funny favourite clip! I found it ages ago! It is MINE!! *sorry for childish behavious*

*Actually, I'm not sorry, I work with two/three year olds, now it's my turn to be sulky and childish!*

Anonymous said...

*cough cough* Ok... read comments, have grown up... can now make adult comments.

I love that thing so much I watch it about three times every time I log in. My fav parts (in no order): The "No it could not", *cry cry, punch punch* part, "WAHEE!!!", "I ain't queer, me neither" *kiss kiss*.

Two of my friends said we only needed to watch that since it covered the movie so well.

Nothing Really Matters said...

That was quite funny! That second clip was a little sad ;-(

Anonymous said...

I forgot how funny that was it's been so long since I've seen it. lol Thanks britpop

Anonymous said...

oh,rabbits..LOL!!!clearly the best BBM parody so far.

'I laughed so much I may have peed a little.' (anonymus..)
a little too much information..LOL

ok, this is one that i think is very good. It's not a funny one.I found it on IMDb and it has a great montage an the song is very's like the essence kept in a small bottle.