A man came out and introduced a woman who came out and introduced Gavin Hood who came out and introduced the key players of the film. After the behind-the-scenes peeps, the actors came out.
First Jake (far left; click to enlarge)...
Then the lights went off and we were plunged into a series of commercials for (of all things) the Toronto Film Festival. Dudes, it's OK. You sold us already. We're here.
And then the movie started. By the time it was over, I already knew how this review was going to go. Give me a movie this serious, and I'll give you an analysis even more serious, bitches!! So sorry if you're not into the heavy stuff. But I have some thoughts I'd like to express...
The best thing about seeing Rendition at the Toronto Film Festival is that I never have to see it again.
Don't get me wrong; it's a really good movie. Brilliant in fact. It's earnest and well-made and well-acted. However, it left me depressed and uncomfortable, and did so without giving me the satisfaction of knowing that my response was the result of a genuine connection to what I'd seen unfold on screen. The many plots, the many storylines...everything is emotional, but nothing is personal. This movie left me with tons of questions, just not about the practice of extraordinary rendition. Instead, I wondered about the movie itself. Was I supposed to feel sympathy for the suicide bomber? I don't know. I was too busy being lectured on the values of his culture to get a full portrait of him. Was Douglas Freeman's reaction to what he was witnessing supposed to be transitional? I don't know. I was too busy being shown his barely-contained disgust to catch a glimpse of any of his other emotions. How about the torture scenes? Gritty, graphic, extremely explicit (although not gratuitous)...was that to convince me torture is wrong? Was that what I needed convincing of? Maybe I'm not the right audience for this film.
Rendition takes itself so incredibly seriously that its self-importance is distracting. There were times when I was taken away from the story because I was blinded by the overwhelming "This is IMPORTANT!" message being broadcast in every way imaginable. True, the subject matter of the film is important and serious, but the biggest problem with this movie is that it confuses itself for the message. For me, that's what caused the questions I walked out with. If so much time and effort hadn't been put into making sure this movie was Serious, then maybe more time could have been spent on the fact that this is a movie, an art form ultimately successful based on entertainment value.
The black-and-white morality issues presented in Rendition are far too clear-cut to inspire any sort of debate. Hey, I get it. This is wrong. But the weight of the movie makes it feels a little like I'm being punished for agreeing with the filmmakers. I'm already against it, so why make me uncomfortable? Also, the all-too-neat converging plot lines fit together in movie-magic perfection, but if the story is supposed to be realistic, why rely on the convenience of trite predictability? Surely there are countless compelling true stories that could be told, or even fictional ones that don't tie together in a neatly unrealistic way.
So, I had some problems with it. That's not to say that as a piece of art, it didn't work. Overall, Rendition is a beautifully done film; it looks good from all angles. It's perfect in its execution, but flawed in its conception. No doubt it is impressive, but the balance between art and politics was not one that I, personally, found most effective. (I say this knowing that everyone I was sitting with in the theater will disagree with me.) Amidst the Important Message, it forgot that it's "just" a movie. Ironically, remembering that would have probably made the Message more accessible. I just don't see a film this self-aware attracting a large audience.
And now that you've been onslaught by my heavy-handed analysis of a heavy-handed movie, let's get to the good stuff!
***MAJOR SPOILERS AND TONE SHIFT BELOW*** Highlight to read. The sex scene portion (in which there is no actual sex) is marked in case that's all you want to read about. ;)
Non-sex scene starts here.
The movie opens with a quick teaser starring Reese and Omar. After the word "Rendition" fades in forebodingly, we're treated to...shirtless Jake! Like, seriously, five minutes in and he's already taking his clothes off for us! It's a trick to distract us from the horrors to come, but we don't know that at this early juncture.
After groaning a bit in early morning lethargy, he drags himself out of bed (boxers only) and makes out with a woman in a towel in the bathroom. This girlfriend of his wins the award for Least Developed Character EVER. She just randomly pops up to fondle Jake and do his bidding at the office. They work together, you see. "His bidding" in this sense is meant as in, "he is her boss," and not, "he calls her for nookie at lunch." Anyway, back to the making out...
Jake kisses her. A lot. She tries to leave (unrealistic though that may be) but he kisses her some more. Is his hand going to a naughty place up her towel? Yes...but on the side of room where the camera is NOT! Why would they do that to us?! Tease. While he's kissing her, he says, "Seriously, stop kissing me." I crack up; she leaves (unrealistic though that may be). It's the second best line in the movie.
And ends here.
Immediately after that, Jake and some dude are riding in a car when a bomb goes off. Some Dude dies (not before ruining Jake's shirt) and what? Some Dude was, like, the top guy in this region for the CIA? Next thing you know, young and impressionable Jake just got himself a promotion (Meryl Streep sees his picture and asks, "What is he? 12?"). Jake's girlfriend brings him a new shirt. And gum.
And so that's how Jake came to oversee the torture operation on Reese's husband, who was detained because...I have no idea. It's never really explained. I think that's to bring home the point of the wrongness of rendition, but as witnessed by the first half of this post, I wasn't really in need of yet another hit over the head with the Hammer of Important Movie Messages. But don't worry; Jake does not do the torturing. He just watches in horror and occasionally offers weak protests.
I didn't watch hardly any of the torture scenes (or the brutal violence scenes), but the sounds alone were nauseating. I literally left the theater sick to my stomach. If you are sensitive to such things (as I am), be prepared to be upset.
I believe Jake is supposed to go through a transitional period where he gets more and more unnerved by what he's witnessing, but he pretty much goes straight from completely unnerved to totally unnerved. We know this because he drinks a lot. Meryl Streep (the head honcho) calls him up one time while he's drinking and asks how he's doing. He responds, "This is my first torture." And that is the best line of the movie.
There is one other sexy scene about halfway through the film. Jake comes home and his girlfriend starts groping him. He's really distraught/distracted but tries to get into the mood by grabbing her, picking her up, and throwing her on the bed. He goes at it for all of two seconds before rolling off of her in defeat. This is another Important Clue that Torture is Bad. It ruins sex for even the casual observers.
This role is very, very different for Jake. He's commanding and way Alpha Male, unlike anything else he's ever played. Of course, he pulls it off flawlessly. Not flawless? His hair! I know half of the known universe thinks it's the greatest thing ever, but I'm opposed to it. Honestly, though, I couldn't focus on it all that much because I couldn't watch half of the scenes Jake was in (due to the torture content).
Lastly, there is a twist at the end of the movie which will make it worth your while to pay very close attention to the differing plot threads. And that's all I'll say about that. But Oscar material? I'll just say it's probably the best Jake's ever done. He is amazing. If they're giving out awards for this one, he definitely deserves a piece of the action.
Whew! I'm exhausted. I'll end with my autographed magazine page. Jake's signature is across Reese and Peter's is across Jake. My mom's reaction: "That's Jake's signature?!"
1 – 200 of 300 Newer› Newest»Great review, PG. I'm still on the fence about seeing this movie, but you have sure given me a lot to think about.
And yes, PG's Mom, that's Jake's signature. I have it on a BBM poster and it's just as messy and unreadable. ;)
Yay! No glare on the magazine with the signatures!
Now after reading your thoughts on the movie I have to wonder if you thought me some sort of masochist or sadist or at the very least mentally deficient when I proclaimed, after the film, "I need to see this again, like right now!" I didn't *notice* you rolling your eyes at that. ;-)
Insightful as always and still you were able to bring the humor. Well done.
Seriously. That was the best movie review I ever read. Really. I will still see the movie because Jake looks so freakin' hot - I love the longish hair and no scruffy beard. All you need to do is look at Meryl Streep's glasses to know this is indeed (as you say) a Serious Movie. Thank you for going all the way to Toronto to see & review a movie that, no matter what you say, I will see it anyway but I love you for going.
Wow that was a very long post. Thanks! You know we value your opinion. And in that, we want every last detail (especially the, so called dirty parts.). Even with what they are it's still worth the price of admission. I'm sure you would agree.
Felicia, thanks. :) And I didn't think that!! It took me until last night to even really process how I felt and what I wanted to say. It needed some digestion.
I know from experience that I'm really sensitive to graphic imagery in movies and I was actually pretty nervous going into this. I was feeling really weird because I knew everyone else was focusing on Jake and I was so preoccupied thinking, "Am I going to throw up? Am I the only one thinking that story is sucking the life out of me?" And yes. I was. ;D
I was the only one in our group who wasn't gushing at the end so I know when the film is released, A LOT of people are going to disagree with me. I was probably especially jaded because I did have my eyes closed for big chunks of Jake's screen time. :) But coffeecat and birdgirl, you're absolutely right. It's definitely worth seeing! Just for me, once is probably enough. :) NOTHING against Jake, though. He was beyond wonderful.
Thanks for your insight. Question for you, in an interview with the Toronto Star Jake says he hopes you don't come out of the theatre cheering for his character. Would be interested to hear your take.
hey! hahaha your comment made me laugh..."torture ruins sex even for casual observers." yeaaaah I see what kind of movie this is. I wish there was a movie with just jake..and his shirt off the entire time. I don't even care about the plot. not all this torture crap I'd have to go through just to see jakie..sigh..anyway thxxx so much! I love your blog its an el perfecto place for me to get more obsessed.
Hey PG - that was a fine review, and I'm speaking as a supremo gusher here. I think you've sat and thought long and hard about what the film means to you and you've been careful to not make dismissive, easy judgments. It's not easy to watch in places - I fear that this shows I'm more hardened than I would like to be.
Jake is remarkable in this film, undoubtedly.
Thanks for recapping the saucy scenes, I can never get enough of those. Jake's a strong boy...
Oh yes, Felicia, are you saying my signed mag has glare? If you are, I'm prepared to meet you at dawn round the back of the pub for a scrap.
Does anyone know what day it is..?
The sex scene portion (in which there is no actual sex) is marked in case that's all you want to read about. ;)
ROFL!!! Some of us really are that transparent, huh? Seriously though, thanks! I'll read the review proper when I've seen the movie.
Awesome post, girl! Great review, can't wait to see the film (even though it might take like half a year to get here.. aargh!!) and form my own opinion about it. Didn't read the spoilers, though. Well. Ahem. I read the "non-sex scene" part, of course. *grins* GAH. Shirtless Jake. Kissing Jake. *faints*
Question for you, in an interview with the Toronto Star Jake says he hopes you don't come out of the theatre cheering for his character. Would be interested to hear your take.
Oooh, good question! I have to say I totally agree with Jake on this one. 100%. Without giving too much away I will say this: you know there are extended torture scenes, and you know that Jake's character is somehow involved. At what point is doing the right thing an act of heroism vs. an act of necessity? Or even at what point does it stop being an act of kindness and start being an overdue response to human suffering? I'd love to talk about this more when everyone else has seen it, but no. I did not walk about the theater thinking, wow! That Douglas Freeman dude was the man!
And WDW, thanks for commenting! In Felicia's defense, she did have to listen to me complain about not getting a good picture of the signatures...
I have no idea what day it is. I think it's the day that I need to go to bed and sleep off the weekend. ;D
Thanks for the review, Prophecy Girl! Being the smutty girl that I am, I went straight to the sexy non-sex review. "Seriously, stop kissing me," will keep me horny until I see the scene for myself. Thanks a bunch!
Do you or anyone else know the actress who plays his co-worker/bed partner?
PG, i'm sorry, but you are not the right public for this film. I appreciate your effort, but I think your lack of reading is showing. ICM.
I can't obviously tell you if I agree or not with your review PG because I haven't seen the movie yet but I can see yuor point...and I can see that it is a very interesting and intelligent one...
My only 'objection'(so to say) is : how could it be different'? How could a movie that is about a so serious matter have a 'lighter' touch?
I agree that taking themselves too seriously is distracting from the subject but that is a general Hollywood issue then, no?
Oh and I so knew that the sex scene was a non-sex scene, damn you Gavin Hood!! We want MORE!;)
Thanks for your review PG. You brought up a lot of issues regarding the film. Very intelligent and thought out review and you managed to add some humor to a rather serious movie, well done! I'm looking forwrd to the film when it's released next month.
Have you ever thought of writng movie reviews for a living because you are very good! And the non-sex scene still sounded pretty hot!
And thanks again for the review and your report from TIFF, I'm so happy that you finally got to meet him.
How stupid am i, i read this this morning and was like "bugger no sex scene!" DAH! then tonight i realised that the sex scene bit was written in white. Im so silly i found it hallarious, i thought id share! HAHA
Great though PG, thanks so much for your detailed review. For me i like depressing movies that make u think alot of horrible stuff. Im nuts i know, i think im a bit deluded, but i actually think i might like this one. Then again, maybe i wont like Jake in that sort of role. Oh god i hope he wins some awards
Thank you, PG, you've managed to make me feel intrigued about Hood's film, so that I know I need to see this now -- while also satisfying much of my prurient curiosity about Jake. You told me just enough, and not too much -- a delicate balance that's difficult to achieve. (I also know where we may differ in our reactions, but undertand the reasons behind yours. I'm not squeamish & may in fact be somewhat insensitive to violence in certain contexts, if I'm intellectually engaged or caught up in the black humor of how the film's being handled.) BTW, have you seen "Babel" or "Munich" & how did it compare with either of those? Particularly the latter. (Wondered about Jake's character's journey & if it can be compared with Eric Bana's character.)
6.38, I appreciate that you may disagree with me, but I'm not sure why you chose speculate on my "lack of reading" (are you keeping track of what I read now?). If you honestly disagree with me, I would appreciate if you took the time to construct an argument and not just accuse me of being uninformed. Because your comment was a personal criticism of me, and didn't add anything to what I was hoping would be a serious discussion of the movie, I have to question your motivation in commenting. Also, I have no idea what ICM means.
Xenia, I thought a lot about "how it could be different" when I was writing that yesterday. Maybe more focus on what was going on internally with the characters? It is SO painfully obvious that what's going on externally is wrong, so why make that the main focus? Honestly, I could come up with a bunch of things, all the while realizing that I have no film experience and it's easy to criticize when all you have to do is see the final product (because oh, TRUST ME, I've had some experience being on the other side of that).
But yes. It is TOTALLY a problem for Hollywood to take itself disproportionately seriously. What other industry so regularly and so lavishly gets together to pat each other on the back?
Nice anon, I am ashamed to say that I have seen neither Munich nor Babel. :-/
Just a somber reminder: Today is the 6th year anniversary of 9/11, the reason the Rendition "policy" along with other "policies" were put in place by the Bush Administration since 9/11.
I don't want to read the spoiler-y portion of the review before seeing the movie myself, but you'd damn well better believe I read the non-sex sex scene bit. Like everyone else has said, I've committed myself to see this movie no matter what, because I want to see Jake's work. Hopefully I will feel differently than you did, PG, when I walk out of that theater, but based on your preamble, I doubt it. Sounds very lucid and makes a great deal of sense just based on what I have heard so far. Still, I want to keep my mind open.
Anon 6:38, I have an acronym for you: WTF?
Vanessa didn't just respond to us in her blog, her "Gyllenhaalic-inspired" questions to Jake made it into the National Post of Canada:
Excellent review PG. My reaction was similar to Felicia's. I wanted to see it again "right now!" I am enjoying all these "reports" so much and I had fun with all of the intrepid agents whio deployed in Toronto!! LOL! In spite of the fact that Eldest Daughter tried to spoil my fun by questioning why grown women want to mill around city streets at midnight....that doesn't sound right...and anyway...we weren't milling.... as such. We were doing ur job! LOL! PG, I just wanted to tell you, the blatant stalker woman in the aqua jacket who was staring pensively at the side door of the hotel for ages even after Jake went inside to his news conference...has gone to ground. She is no where to be seen...altho, there have been reports she was spotted in NYC with a tennis racket.
Today was a difficult day especially here in NY. It was a dreary day fitting for the 6th year anniversary of 9/11. I hope all the readers on JW took time out to remember the victims of 9/11.
^^^ Absolutely. It's a date that will always give us pause. And I'm sure it's much tougher to pass the day in NYC than elsewhere... The rest of us definitely have your city in our hearts today.
bobbyanna, I will have you know that the blatant stalker file is now just a little bit fatter because of the intel collection at The Scene. I wouldn't rule her out for an appearance in the future... By the way, did you know you're in two of my Jake pictures? ;)
And now all three of the people sitting with me in the theater have commented and, as predicted, said they loved the movie!! I'm always the odd man out... :D
And now all three of the people sitting with me in the theater have commented and, as predicted, said they loved the movie!! I'm always the odd man out... :D
And that's OK, PG. It's good that we see the movie through different eyes and through different perspectives. I really enjoyed it - possibly as I lived in the Middle East for some time and I could relate to its colours and danger - but I do know that I'm very glad you were sitting next to me through it :)
don't feel like the odd one out! Just like the reviews were mixed, i bet everyone will come out with a different opinion as well. This certainly sounds to me like a film I wouldn't particularly enjoy. But then again ever since I read the plot, I was never really interested in seeing it. But because jake's in it, I suddenly was drawn to it. And sad to hear there's so sexy love scene w/ jake eventhough there would be no purpose for it haha although in jarhead there was absolutely no purpose for that one either. thanks for such a detailed review <3
PG "all the while realizing that I have no film experience"
Yes you do, TDATND! How could you forget!
^^^ AH! You're right! My list of accomplishments is so long that I've forgotten what's on it. ;D
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