Tuesday, April 03, 2007


OH! Has it been a year? It feels only weeks, nay months, since the good ship Jake Watch left the port of sanity to sail the turbulent seas of online fandom. We've achieved er, little and Jake hasn't been with us for all the ride (fuck you Morocco) but still, we had fun didn't we, chums?
Sorry we didn't plan a major party (special celebrity guest: The Hoff) but what with the whole kidnapping thing and the HQ getting trashed and Terence and Fincher and Ruffalo and PG getting dissed in Hollywood (of all places!) and Jake's PR being sufficently lackluster we kind of ran out of steam. But stay with us for a week of your staple Jake Watch diet special anniversary editions and er, on the down low, maybe even a Sunday Project. What??!! No!!

And lastly, but most certainly not least...ly, I want to thank PG for coming on board all those moons ago and co-blogging this son of a bitch with me. It's seriously been hilarious. Oh! The stories we have for those memoirs now and also that 'Jake In Art' gallery we plan on opening. And Anneka too for your 'special' reviews. Many the hour we spent at Uni, giggling heartily over Jake related gafuffle whilst we should have been reading Mrs Dalloway or catching up on some Freud. Good times!

Cantara too, for causing us more drama than was probably absolutely nesseccary but what the hell.

FINALLY, our loyal readers! You know we do it for you and only you, you sexy bitches.

P.S Jake, it's okay if you want to get with someone now. We appreciate you staying 'offically' single this past year but we're cool, y'know, now we've built up a support network and a plentiful supply of gin.

P.P.S Where is Boo?


Nothing Really Matters said...


Lets have a drink!

cina said...

Oh NO Jakey!! Don't hit SpongeBob!!! *gasp*

I'll have that drink with you Pussy. Cheers! :)

only1annabel said...

Heres to another eventful year in the land of Jake watch!!

Thanks for all your hard work Brits and P.G if it weren't for Jake Watch I'd probably have done a lot more work and there would be no fun in my life!

P.S I've never been called a sexy bitch before...woo!

Anonymous said...

I have opened the proseco and the peach nectar and i am doing bellinis, my angels!!!! All I realy need is a hint of fresh rasberries. And a sprig of mint. I was in the original Harry's Bar in Venice, where the bellini was invented, ans where they showed me ezzactly how to do this. The festival was going on, Jake was there, at the festival not the bar, and I said to Harry (who was dead at the time), one day, that sweet, sexy, beautiful man is gonna be the object of SO much attention, people will start blogs dedicated to him and him alone. THAT'S how famous...(hiccup!) he'll be. And then. It happened. SO, congratulations, BPB, PG, Anneka the Glorious and all the mellow agents who have Jake's back...and his front, his ankles, his thighs, and his delicious bum! Cheers! (I'm crying as I type this.)

Anonymous said...


That picture, and that post, is exactly why I love this site so much!!!! Funny, irreverent, inventive, imaginative...and the friends I have made here have just enriched my life no end.


God bless you all and here's to another great year at Jake Watch!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS JAKEWATCH !!! Kill spongebob Jake ,Kill him ! .. do it !! .. DO IT !!!! WHUAHAHHHAHAHAhhhh !!!!!!!

... mommy ?

Nothing Really Matters said...

Looks like it's just you and me Cina on the gin and tonics tonight hun!

call me cherita said...

^^^I don't drink, but can I join you for a tonic and tonic? (I'm already pretty high from the socks and the birthday pinata Jake!)

Oh, and Happy Birthday to the fabulous babes of Jake Watch!!!

Anonymous said...

I totally laughed out loud at the Spongebob piƱata!!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - this place is like dog poo! :-)

Way too awesome for words - Happy Birthday everyone!

(Veeveevee again...blogger STILL won't let me log in. GRRRRR)

Sam said...

Happpy Birthday Jake Watch. I was here (lurking) at the beginning and its such an honor to now be an agent standing beside all your beautiful people! Honestly, Jake Watch adds another dimension to my life, it keeps me sane (or maybe drives me insane, not sure which one) So THANKYOU, Thankyou BPB, thankyou PG, Thankyou Anneka, thankyou to ALL AGENTS (even the anon's!)!! *hugs everyone* And so for that, i'd like to join in with the drinking... Wheres a glass?

Ok stuff the glass just pass me that bottle of Gin will ya NRM?


Dumbo said...

1 year has gone by so fast. As to the pic, I think Jake looks a little "special" in it. Who hits a softball or baseball like that?

Weirdland said...

Happy B-day, let's not run out of gin!

Becky Heineke said...

Thanks for all the well-wishes guys! I recently came across the first e-mail I sent to brits (April 14th!) in which we talked about "Stay Away From My Man." Snort.

I looked up my very first comment, and it wasn't until April 17th:

I've never understood the Brad-Pitt-as-sexiest-man-alive faction. The dude's a dog compared to the ACTUAL sexiest man alive. And Jen can't help it that she has eyes.

Man. What a contribution. But I also want to say thank you to Cina, especially, because she was the very first comment on the very first post!! That's just awesome! One year. Shit. I think gin is in order.

heddaparsons said...

Gin and Tonic is my favorite drink and I had one tonight! Thanks Jake Watch, Brit, PG and the rest of the agents for the laughs, I love this blog! Looking forward to another year and hopefully many more.

PS: Yes please whack Sponge Bob Jake, what an annoying character!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a wonderful and wildly entertaining first year of JW...... here's to many more!
I am having a drink to celebrate..... not gin & tonic I'm afraid, but smooth Canadian whiskey & soda.
BPB and PG, you guys are the best. I am so happy I found this place.

Anonymous said...

Belated Happy 1st birthdy JW, I love this site you all make my day.

O/T new pics of Jake on Just Jared


cina said...

But I also want to say thank you to Cina, especially, because she was the very first comment on the very first post!! That's just awesome!

Yes I was, wasn't I? *proud* ;)

Little did I know then that I would still be around a year later, and that Jake Watch would have grown into this big family/community, and little did I know that we would have some real drama coming our way during the year... OH MY WHAT FUN IT HAS BEEN!!! :)

cina said...

O/T new pics of Jake on Just Jared


ATTIIII!!!!! *squeee* :D

(but still no sign of Boo...)

Anneka's Alias said...

Many congratulations oh fearless leaders. And a special well-done to Britpop for not flaking out like she did with our pre-JW t-shirt business and that novel we never finished

And will there be cake?

KayDee said...

And will there be cake?

hey, what about the cake i made???

happy birthday JakeWatch and best wishes to our fearless leaders and all the agents!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jake Watch! I've been coming here since September as I stumbled across you, or did I accidentally bumped into you? Yes, this is my home now!
Keep it up!! Is the bar still open???

As for Spongebob. "Fcuk, That, Sh!t!" Mwahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

And in the pics with Atticus, did you notice the T-shirt he is wearing..?? Ha Ha!

cina said...

The famous stamp shirt! :D

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st birthday, JakeWatch!

A year of fun, excitement and drooling over our man.....

Thanks for the hard work and enlighten some shitty days :-)))

I am with Jake: "I love that shit"!

jn-girl said...

Happy 1st Birthday dudes and dudettes!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniverisary JW!!

Even though I lurk and only posts ocassionally, I find this place one of the most fun blogs around. Keep up the good work agents!

Agnes said...
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Agnes said...

One year!.... And I'm still here.... Is that good or bad?!.... GOOD of course ;D

britpopbaby said...

Thanks, pals! And kaydee the cake is perfect. Damn, I could really eat some cake right about now.

And I'm still seriously worried about Boo. I've always loved him more than Jake.

Unknown said...

Awww!! Happy birthday! :D

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU GUYS!! I can't tell you what it means reading everyone's comments about Jake the one and only actor I love and admire. I love this site so much.

Especially today. It my birthday today 4/5 and I couldn't be more unhappy.

endorwitch said...

haha - i only started reading your blog recently. congrats on a years worth - thats awesome!!!

and omgawd - tahts one brilliant piece of photoshopping!! you guys crack me up with every post!

Anonymous said...

hey city girl, cheer up! Just think about Jake that should cheer you up

and happy birthday!!!

Wet For Went said...

Happy Birthday Jake Watch! *raising glass* Cheers!

Jess said...

Man, I'm late to the party!! Is there any gin left?! *pouts* Anyway...

Happy Birthday, Jake Watch!! It's been one hell of a year! :)

*hugs everyone*

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jake Watch!! And hugs to Britpopbaby, Prophecy Girl and all the Jake Watch people: you made my days brighter!! :D