Friday, February 09, 2007


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Read it HERE!


Anonymous said...

So have you guys had the call yet from the major studio offering gazillions for the script and starring roles for all the JW agents with Jake and Peter playing themselves?

veeveevee said...

Hoooray!!!! What a long week it's been!

And along with joycedavenport's thoughts, let's get this movie filmed!

cina said...

I'm having so much fun reading this! I literally laughed out loud at several scenes. Why is next Friday so far away?! :(

Anonymous said...

Loves it!! Great job! :)

Anonymous said...

Great job guys!! Loving the story!

Btw, I posted wrong info in the last thread. The E! channel Bafta read carpet stuff will air at 8am EST Monday Feb. 12th. Not Sunday. I checked my DVR and they are having Grammy redcarpet coverage on Sunday.

Anonymous said...


oh my god is this girl on something? I felt I was riding on the Ferry of Crazy on PG's incoherent stream of consciousnes.

I give it a thumbs up for absolute surrealism.

This site is getting heady! sweet.

Nothing Really Matters said...


cina said...

Can I just say that I LOVE our tag-line? "He was The Sex - they were insane". It's HI-LARIOUS!!

jn-girl said...

Hello babies, reporting for duty!

khildeb said...

Fellow Agents:
I think there is a connection between PG's disappearance and the timely release of TDATND. And the number Six. Is it just a coincidence that so far both releases have been on the Sixth day of the week?? Think Stockholm Syndrome, Agents: PG has been flitting in and out of captivity for weeks now; has she been brainwashed? So far this is the link: BPB & PG -> Stockholm Syndrome -> Patty Hurst -> San Francisco -> Zodiac -> Jake -> TDATND -> Number Six. How much clearer can it be?

Weirdland said...

I'm almost on the verge of tears, in cause of laughing reading the script of JW movie, where our Agents blow the Charlie's Angels out of the water!

Anonymous said...

JAKE: Yo, Peter. Who did the voice of Tennessee Tuxedo in “Underdog?”

PETER SARSGAARD: Don Adams, dude. AKA Maxwell Smart.

JAKE: Sweet.

PETER: I have the weirdest conversations with him.


It's TORTURE waiting for the next installment! Ah well, another reason to look forward to Fridays!

Lovin' it!!

Jake said...

Can you believe we haven't had any major studios approach us yet?! We've had a couple small offers, but we're holding out for the big names. ;)

veeveevee said...
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veeveevee said...

Hold out, Number Six, hold out!

TDATND gives a whole new meaning to TGIF!

Is it (next) Friday yet???? Is it? Is it? Huh? Is it? Is it? This is pushing my impatient buttons in a BIG way!

Anonymous said...

I'm tellin' ya! You have a totally winning combination here with Peter and Jake...absolutely the most effin' hilarious repartee I have read in a long helps that I can actually visualize them doing all this.BTW: I SINCERELY hope that there will be an incredible, gory, deliciously vengeful, and awesomely bloodthirsty and diabolical comeuppance for the dastardly Ed Marrakesh. He deserves the very worst one can imagine.

Anonymous said...

Oh,Joy! Oh, Rapture!!!! Saturday in the UK. Saturday in London....All the excitement and all the glamour of the pre- BAFTA doings. The city filthy with celebrities!!!! Hotel lobbies, bistros, pubs, bars, restaurants, and here I am across the pond in a dull, grey, drab city feeling as if life has passed me by. Jakeless.

Anonymous said...

Hey! A Dog!

I Love it!!! Can't wait for the next instalment!

Walking up to his bedroom singing the theme to Beverley Hillbillies... OMG! Anyone around his age WOULD know the words too! Hee Hee!

Eyes shift, grins and runs away!

Jess said...

OMG, this is seriously too funny for words!! LOVE IT!!

*wiping tears from LOL*

heddaparsons said...

This is priceless!! I'm really loving this, can't wait until the next installment!