Thursday, February 22, 2007


In fact, it's here (or, more precisely, HERE). So with the final installment of The Day After Tomorrow Never Dies now released to the public, there's only one thing to do. Start putting solitations in magazines for major awards. We're off to a great start with this full page ad in Variety today:
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And because this movie is so revolutionary, we decided to hit up the television industry for some nominations, too. Just in case they felt like giving us something.
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Basically we'll take any award we're given. We wouldn't say no to a Nobel Peace Prize, even, if it was offered to us (we've heard some talk, that's all we're saying...).

Part 4 is up in two segments, so be sure to catch both. If you haven't been reading along, I think now would be a good time to get in on this. The ending might be important. *wink*wink*nudge*nudge*


Anonymous said...

Okay so I almost peed myself reading that...especially Jake's remark of "I don't act like that!"

and David Boreanz --there is just not enough to be said about the man!

I love the Varierty Ad.

What about the Pulitzer Prize? I bet this film could win the New York Marathon - even the Olympic Gold for slalom is not out of reach!

Anonymous said...

Dang! I'm at work so can't read TDATND until prolly this afternoon, but all I can say is that Variety ad is one of the most hilarious things I've read in a long time, and that's saying something on this blog!

What can I say, y'all are brilliant. Can't wait to read the final chapter!

Weirdland said...

So... am I going to be nominated for Best Ridiculous Appearance or what?

Jess said...

OMG, the Variety Ad! LMAO!!

Right, off to read! *squeeee*

cina said...

I'm so sad this is over now! It's been so much fun and PG, you are a true MASTER for making this happen!!

Seriously - thank you for all the hard work you've put into this! I know you've been working hard to say the least... I just hope this gets to you somewhere in the jungles of South America, or Mexico, or wherever the hell you are. Oh btw, I'm working on a deal on a Jet plane, so no more chopper, I promise. Brit's vibrating ass is giving me nightmares for Christ's sake...

veeveevee said...

Brilliant as usual - AMAZING, and I laughed my way through it.

I love the Variety ad - THAT is what I'd like on the next JW T-shirt.

Jake's quote of "I don't act like that!" cracks me up every time I read it!

Anonymous said...

i agree, veeveevee, the variety ad would be a fabulous t-shirt print - very eye catching to say the least!

cina said...

Hell, forget the Nobel Peace Prize! It's the Nobel prize in literature we're after!! We would SO rock at the Nobel banquet in our Jake Watch leather catsuits! Meow.

Anonymous said...

this is delicious in the highest degree. lov'd every minute. brava!

Anonymous said...

This is SO award-worthy. I just can't get over how you held my attention with the suspense. And how at the very end,THE CLIFFHANGER ENDING. This just begs for a sequel. I'm glad you are keeping it so REAL. I mean people like Ed Marrakesh don't give up that easily. They are a vicious, cunning, driven lot!!!! Loved the Alec Baldwin Cameo. Maybe in the sequel, he ca call occasionally and given advice...or make another appearance and have a few more lines. Is the rumor true? Are you looking to sign Jamie Foxx for the sequel? Will Kitty be played by Natalie Portman??? A sub-plot being tha Jake and "Stephen" launch her career as a voice-over artist for an animated series based on the cult classic, "Donnie Darko Walks that Last Moonlight Mile to Meet A Good Girl Under the October Sky?"

Anonymous said...

Wow - the names of awards just keep coming.

Anonymous said...

Okay I'm kind of curious which movie was nominated for "Best Picture"?

coffeecat said...

I am looking forward to seeing "Donnie Darko Walks that Last Moonlight Mile to Meet A Good Girl Under the October Sky." When will filming begin? And where?


Jake said...

Okay I'm kind of curious which movie was nominated for "Best Picture"?

I'm sure PG would be a little disappointed that her calculated advertising campaign didn't imprint the blue Jake image permanently into your brain. ;) By this point you were supposed to immediately associate it with TDATND... Like Pavlov's dog, only with Jake.

Anonymous said...

Arf! Arf!

Anonymous said...

The Advertising Campaign looks brilliant and once again many thanks to all of you who worked so hard to keep us entertained the past month! It is much appreciated! Good luck to everyone attending the L.A. premiere next week! Will be keeping my fingers crossed for you all!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the movie, thanks so much. Possibility of sequel? What adventures will Jake's Angels get up to next?

*oops, I mean Jake Watch Agents ;)

cina said...

"Jake's Angels"..... I kind of like the sound of that! ;)

KayDee said...

i will comment on the film the moment i stop loling at: Heath Ledger, the father of Jake's godchild


and the cliffhanger just BEGS for a sequel. pg, i'm sure now that you are up for so many awadrs, there will be a queue of script writers wanting to cooperate and producers begging you to work for them!

oh, and you know, everybody remembers lines from those famous brilliant film: 'Play it once Sam, for old times sake', 'The name's Bond, James Bond', 'Use the force Luke', 'The force will be with you, always', 'Hasta la vista, baby', 'I don’t think my ass will ever stop vibrating', 'Thank God. I was afraid you were going to make him walk on his own', 'I’m not wearing any socks', 'Hey! A dog!' :D

Anonymous said...

That was absolutely f ucking brilliant LOVED IT. Thank you PG for making me laugh so much.

heddaparsons said...

The Variety ad is priceless! Loved TDATND, and YES it screams: SEQUEL!

Anonymous said...

This was posted on IHJ. According to this article, Jkae is short! Well to the silly writer he was.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is this has $$$$ written all over it. Whoever the girls are lucky enuf to be cast in this franchise will become legends...and billionaires...before they ever reach 30. Then all of you can start your own production companies and make the "art" films you always really wanted to make.

Anonymous said...

5:41PM here: Just wanted to add that this article mentions seeing Jake and this gallery opening in Beverly Hills on Thursday, and their was a Defamer sighting os him there as well. There are pictures of the event on, but no Jake! Kristen and Lance were there though.

Jake said...

Maybe she confused him with someone Tobey Maguire.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:09 that would be a logical explanation although I fail to see how someone can still mix them up after all these years. Jake is now much more manly and hot than Tobey!

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Dumbo said...

I like action, comedy, adventure and romance, and with TDATND I get to have my cake and eat it too.