Friday, June 30, 2006


Tut, tut, tut. Do you like hospital food, Jake? Because that's where these sorts of antics will end you up. Where is the tight orange all in one number? Where's the reflective strips? Where's your goddamn bell to warn other road users of your presence? I hope you were just taking your bike for a walk. Wait til Lance Armstrong hears about this...


Weirdland said...

This guy is taking a walk on the wild side, bpb. We'll have to take care of him before a catastrophe happens and he has an accident like Monty Clift.

Anonymous said...

I say we find this so-called "Jake Gyllenhaal" and teach him a thing or two about thing or two....if you get my meaning :)

Anna said...

I guess there's a little bit of the bad boy left in him anyway... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Aah, they look as those they're holding hands!

Agnes said...
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Agnes said...

LOL Bpb you are killing me..... Bad boy Jake exist after all.

Something has to be done about this Jake. Think about little gyllengaard who is on the way to planet earth. This kind of behavior has to go.

Anonymous said...

who is monty clift?

Anonymous said...

anon 3:29...were you trying to inspire naughty thoughts? ;) Well, it worked on me, trying or not. Gosh, it's always so early when my twisted brain begins it's daily improprieties. :)

Anonymous said...

To Anon 4:58: Monty Clift is Montgomery Clift - James Dean era movie star - closeted gay actor. Handsome, talented and died tragically young (well, kind of).

I don't know, i kinda like Jake riding bike without those silly gear, which almost only Jake could pull them off... go bad boy.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, I do agree with you, that Jake had some very Montgomery-Clift-like moments during "Brokeback Mountain." They even have the same darkly handsome looks. The same sensitive, thoughtful, intelligent manner. But I think Jake's more resilient than Clift. Clift just looks like this tortured angel sometimes, as if the intensity of his acting really depleted him. He seems more fragile. I suspect that Jake is better-balanced, that he takes care of himself & isn't self-destructive, and just as important, that he has a better support system behind him. But yeah, I can see the Clift resemblance. They have a similar physical presence, when Jake's at his most slender & goes clean-shaven.

britpopbaby said...

Hee, hee. Everything here is funny apart from the morbid deaths of closted gay actors.

Anonymous said...

Please stop with the Montgomery Clift comparisons. I know there is more traffc here than WFT and therefore a bigger audience, but I wish you would just stop it already. You have a place to go for this, why the instance to continue is puzzling. This is a fun blog for Jake fans, let's keep it that way.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add, that I fear in particular for Chris' bare toes in those flip-flops. (In fact, my own little piggies are curling under, flinching in sympathy.) At least Jake's properly shielded by one sample from his incredible sneaker wardrobe.

cina said...

Thank God! I take this as a sign Jake got his senses back and realized the horrid biking outfit just had to go.

Although a helmet to protect that cute little (or big, I hear...) head of his would be a good thing though.

Jess said...

Oh Jakey, take those darn shades off! I wanna see your beautiful eyes!!

Personally I'm glad that not-too-attractive (mildly put) biker's outfit is out of the picture!

And BPB, this is funny as hell, as always! LOL

Mr. M said...

To me, nothing's sexier than a man in a white t-shirt.

Although I believe that Jake should be able to wear absolutely whatever he wants. I hate people who try to make an impression everytime they set foot out of their homes with what they wear. Just be natural, be yourself.

As for the original biker's outfit, tt wasn't so much the pants that bothered me, it was the day glo jacket gave me nightmares for weeks. Whenever I see anyone wearing atomic tangerine, I shudder.

... and pink neon sends me into convulsions.

Nothing Really Matters said...

Jake being in hospital might not be a bad thing BPB. You could be a nurse, a might have to bed bath him!

Anonymous said...

This is a little OT, but everyone here’s heard that Jake was up for Superman at one point, right? Well, I just saw it, and thought Brandon Routh did a fine job, but I couldn’t help imagining how cute and funny and much more layered and complex Jake’s Superman would’ve been! He would nail the dorky but adorable Clark Kent role (though Routh did that well also), but totally turn on the charisma, righteousness, anger, pain, etc. that Superman had (Routh was a bit flat here). And this is shallow, but despite the big budget of the movie, Routh’s blue contacts in the movie were faker than Paris Hilton’s—-they were this weird royal blue, and it was super distracting. See, Jake’s natural baby blues wouldn’t have posed that problem…

Hehe, I think I’m suffering from a little Jake withdrawal. I can’t believe how long it’d be until we see him on the big screen again.

Anonymous said...

I may be wrong, but what I got out of the original Montgomery Clift comparison to Jake was not Monty's tragic life, but the accident that ruined his looks. If you have ever seen him with Elizabeth Taylor in A PLACE IN THE SUN you will see two of the most beautiful people God ever created. They are almost too beautiful to look at together. After his accident and the facial reconstruction you can tell there was no recapturing that beauty. That's why it's so dangerous for Jake to take chances because God has created another perfect human being and it would be so sad if something happened to alter it in any manner.

Anonymous said...

YOu made me think... If they ever remade A Palce In The Sun and why ever should they...I think Jake and Natalie Portman would be excellent choices! I came to this conclusion when you said,"...two of the most beautiful people God ever created..."

britpopbaby said...

Jake being in hospital might not be a bad thing BPB. You could be a nurse, a might have to bed bath him!

Don't put ideas in my head! It'd have to be an NHS hospital so I could sneak in and pose as a nurse - they'd never notice.
'Should I use a smaller sponge, Mr Gyllenhaal?'

Anonymous said...

*falls off the chair while laughing*

Anonymous said...

gin.....Of course I was. I take every chance I get to inspire such thoughts :)I'm very glad it worked for you. I'm always glad to lend a helping hand lol

Anonymous said...

Jakey must like matches because he's PLAYING WITH FIRE!! At least get a helmet on that sweet noggin babe.

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