Thursday, May 11, 2006



HephaistionLo said...

These are great!

This is a wonderful idea britpopbaby! Well done!

Like squallcloud said on the other thread, I'm not savvy enought to do one, so I'll just read and reply to them. Though if something clever comes to me, I may try it.

And I know it's juvenile, but, "First!"

Always wanted to do that! :)

(I'm going to feel really dumb if someone posted while I was still typing!)

Anonymous said...

How many more Jake/Austin postcards are there going to be.


Please britbaby, there are so many messageboards that talk about Jake and Austin, please let this be a no Austin zone. Please.

I just want to come here to get away from it all.

No Austin Zone, requested.

Love your blog britbaby. You're the best!

Anonymous said...

anon 9:56, breathe hon. The thought of Austin makes you seeth and I get it cause when I saw that girl I was like "WTF?! Who said she could be anywhere NEAR my man!?" but I got over it. You will too. :o)

The new ones are funny! Keep 'em coming guys. Wheeee

Agnes said...

Yes I like this, its fun.

Anonymous said...

Dear, oh dear, straying hands, it's getting HOT in here... ; D

Anonymous said...

Man, you guys are creative! May I day I am a bit jealous?

I was squinting like an idiot trying to read the second one, then i realized britpop had typed it out. Silly me.

Anonymous said...

I like the Jake/Austin ones. they don't talk about them enough.

britpopbaby said...

I'm going to post whatever people send me because they've gone out of their way to make a postcard and I really appreciate that. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing. I'm not a Toothy tile/Austin believer but can I laugh about it which is the most important thing.

Miffed67 said...

These are awesome! Good work all you secret postcarders! I wish I was that creative. Still, having lots of fun reading them, can't wait for more!

The Chemistry Guru said...

Very creative and very funny, keep postin'. I'm still fiddling around with my bitmaps but while i'm here, can anyone point me in the direction of a cooler, I need to chill after seeing that 2nd pic!

britpopbaby said...

Email me miss twist and I'll help you out. Go through it step by step. x

Anonymous said...

I know this isn't related to the secret submissions, but they have taken the Jake/Gretchen story off the US Weekly website.

Anonymous said...

I know this this not related to the secret submissions but they have taken the Jake/Gretchen story off the US Weekly website.

britpopbaby said...

Thanks, anon.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.